10 Career-Related New Year Resolutions That Are Realistic in 2022
January 2022
January 2022
A wild 2021 has now ended, but 2022 may seem like a repeat of the last two years. You’re probably wondering how and when you can make the change as conventional workspaces have undergone significant changes.
We are now part of a workplace that is increasingly remote, AI-augmented and sensitive to the needs of workers. Taking this into account, it is fair to say that this year should not be a typical career year.
Whether you would like to work abroad, change your profession, advance your career, start a side business or spend more time with your loved ones, 2022 offers a clean slate to reflect on work-related New Year’s resolutions.
No matter which stage you are in, it is always a good idea for professionals to develop, advance, and protect their careers. With so much uncertainty and opportunity in the marketplace, it pays for people to look for ways to broaden and develop their career paths.
Here are 10 practical career-related New Year resolutions that are achievable in 2022.
Health is a major factor in 2022 and it doesn’t stop at the standard “gym-rush” but it is more about how you can bring your healthy habits to work. Aim for five simple ways to be healthier at work.
It could be hitting the gym in your afternoon break, taking the stairs or packing a healthy lunch. Perhaps test out a standing desk or switch your office chair for an exercise ball. Think small and those things will snowball into your own version of a healthy routine.
Staying competitive in the workforce is given but the best way to start is to identify your skillsets than your title. Companies are realising that skills are what drive businesses forward.
As offices become less centralised and companies become creative with titles given to new employees, roles are becoming less important in the workplace.
For instance, for finance and accounting professionals, job roles will become more diversified than before. Due to changing aspirations of job seekers who want more job satisfaction, and being part of a company that addresses environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns, you will need to harness the power of technology and pick up new skills in emerging areas like sustainability.
The right book has the power to spark inspiration, teach you something new or shift your perspective. If reading more books is one of your resolutions for the new year, consider adding the book “‘The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World’ by Dorie Clark.
It’s a great read if you’re not sure of your next career move, or feel disconnected from your current job as it is “full of helpful frameworks” that can help you re-shape your current and future career plans.
In the professional world, LinkedIn is crucial to your career. Just like your resume, you need to keep the information, tone, and look of it up to date. Check out some of your connections’ profiles and see if they’re doing anything different that positively grabs your attention. If so, tweak your page to create a similar effect.
If you want to strengthen your CV on top of your LinkedIn profile, here are ways to pandemic-proof your CV.
The right mentor can be a powerful tool to propel your career forward. Is there a person at your company — someone who is a step or two above you — who you highly respect? Ask if he or she is willing to be your work mentor.
It works best if it is a recognised relationship between the two of you. Set workplace goals together for the new year and have a little fun while you’re at it.
If you’re hoping to move up in your organisaton or career, look for one experience this year that will help you do just that. This could be volunteering to put an industry conference or extending your resources to provide a talk in your field or area.
Attend events where possible. The rise of webinars, or seminars conducted online, is one of the features of modern work life. Webinars and online conferences often offer “breakout” rooms between sessions for attendees to meet other professionals.
Technology such as data analytics, machine learning, and automation are helpful tools, but finance professionals, for instance, will also need a broad set of skills to influence tomorrow’s business decisions.
Pick one tech skill you’d like to learn, and find out how to master the art of analysis and value creation. Consider one of the various online course sites, including classes offered by Skillshare or CreativeLive to get started.
Is there an empty spot on your resume where you wish you could put “XXXX Certified?” 2022 could be your year to make it happen!
This is a great idea for one of your work goals for the new year as it can advance your career. If it costs money, think of it as an investment in your future.
Before you prepare for the future, it’s important that you understand what traits and behaviours got you to where you are now. Practice internal and external self-awareness, and unearth and resolve your blind spots by seeking feedback.
Think about your career vision, and drill that down into near-term goals by defining career success for yourself and thinking about who and what you want to be.
Self-compassion and self-regulation are important skills. Research by Professor Fuschia M Sirois, who specialises in self-regulation and having researched procrastination and decision-making shows that we are often too harsh on ourselves which may even sabotage one’s own success.
Pushing too hard or being too strict with yourself may be counterproductive by jeopardising your willingness to stick to something that is difficult or challenging.
Practicing more self-care and self-compassion may be one of the most important traits as we are on towards the third pandemic year. Even if you did not set yourself lofty career goals to achieve in 2022, that’s perfectly OK too.
If you are unsure what career opportunities are out there in 2022, take a look at our job boards in Asia to find the right role or get in touch with our team of specialised recruiters to have a discussion.